Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this photo makes me smile. for more than one reason. but mainly because these people are amazing. when you see people every week day for around six hours, they basically become like family. this is the family photo from my school life. and sure, there are things about school that i won't miss. like sweating it out in classrooms in the middle of summer, and sitting out in the playground on the cold, rainy winter days. but these things that i won't miss are definitely outweighed by things that i will miss. there are so many personal memories from school that i will never forget. just from laying in the sun with tal and jack, listening to our ipods in our "study periods" to back in year nine when my dewar threw a table in anger that was inches from smacking me in the head. the main thing that i won't forget is the lessons learnt. and i'm not only talking about maths and english lessons, but the life lessons learnt. we spent our six years between the ages of 12 and 18 growing and learning at school, and it has been pretty influential in my opinion. pretty sad that it's come to it's end. i'll miss school.

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